Welcome everyone to my new blog!!! Here, I will share different activities and reflections related with ICT in Primary Education.
This is Lyn my avatar. She is a 32 years-old blogger. She loves
travelling, eating and dancing.
It has been created with Bitmoji (https://www.bitmoji.com/). The easiest way
is using the app in your mobile phone, but it is also available for desktop.
There, you can upload a selfie or do the avatar yourself. I liked the app very
much because it is very simple and easy to use and it has a lot of options to
personalize your avatar. You can choose from the colour of your skin, eyes,
lips... to the make-up and the outfit!!! Once you have created the avatar, you
have a huge number of backs, messages, situations for you to choose. I have
really enjoyed doing my emoji so I hardly recommend this app.
I think this App could be used with primary students because of its
simplicity. It would be funny for them to create an avatar and, through this
activity, we can work on creativity and, also, our own image. It is also
interesting for them having an avatar in order to preserve their image in the
internet, so it is an app that I will probably use in my future as a
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