Hello everybody!!!

It is very easy look and find
interesting contents, pictures, videos... but also, create them! You just have
to do a web search and whatever you like, you can add it to your Symbaloo. For
so, you have to copy the link of the content you like and go to your webmix;
press an empty square (it will appear the sentence "Add here"). Then,
you select add a new block and finally, you paste the link, name the block and,
if you want, add an image. YOU HAVE IT!!!!
As I just discovered this website,
I have just beginning to create my boards there. In the main page of my blog,
in the right side, you can find my Symbaloo embedded. There, you will find five
resources, all of them related with the plants:
- A diagram to label the parts of a
plant: the first thing children will learn about plants are the parts of a
plant and their functions. After reading, searching and talking about that
topic, children will be able to do this activity. I liked it because it is
simple but useful to remember the parts of a plant.
- A video explaining photosynthesis
for kids: it is a very nice video which explains perfectly photosynthesis. I
have used this video in my internship; children liked it and understand the process
of photosynthesis without problem.
- A website explaining the process
of photosynthesis: It is an interesting website about photosynthesis. There the
process is explained at different levels. Of course, depending on the age of
the students we will use just some parts of the website.
- A video about plants reproduction:
I also used this video at school during my internship. Plant reproduction is
very well explained for third to fifth grades of primary. It is advisable to
pause the video sometimes and assure children understand the content. Later you
can talk about pollinization and prepare a drama (a short representation) of
-The final resource is a website
which is made by BBC and there you will find interactive activities about
"Why are plants important?".
I hope you have enjoyed discovering
these resources and, also, reading about Symbaloo.
See you soon!!!!
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