Hello again!!!
As I told you in my recent entry, I was working with Ana and Cintia in a collaborative outcome. In the last post I told you about the first step (storyboard) and, in this one, I am going to talk about the second step: the Videoclip.
We have recorded a Videoclip titled Finding Katherine. It is about a robbery. Katherine Shadow is a thief that has burgled a Monet's painting from D'Orsay Museum. Inspector Ana will travel from country to country to find and arrest her. She will count with Captain Cintia, who supports her. And also with different witnesses she will talk to, in the different European capital cities. These witnesses will provide Ana different clues (colors of flags, monuments, etc.) and she will pursue Katherine over some European countries, and finally she will arrest this famous thief.
I would use this videoclip in different ways:
- The first option would be using it as an introduction to the topic "European Geography"; as in the video we introduce students to different European countries and their capital cities, as well as their main attractions.
- Another option would be as a review. We can play the video and, after each settle of clues, pause it and let the students guess to which country Ana should travel to get closer to Katherine Shadow. Then we will play the video again, and verify students' hypothesis.
I think both are interesting ways of engaging students towards the geography contents. I think it is suitable for students in the 6th grade of Primary Education.
This video has been storyboarded using the tool StoryboardThat and you can find everything about it in my last post.
It has been a little bit difficult to create this collaborative video, considering the current situation due to Coronavirus, and the consequent lockdown.
We have used different lens of Snap Camera to dress me up, and Skype for the videoconferences. For the production of the video we have used iMovie, which has a lot of different effects and transitions. We recorded ourselves with a virtual green background, in order to be able to use a croma effect, and add the real backgrounds we wished.
We have also added music at the beginning, as well as at the end of the "film". This music, of course, has a free-use license.
Here I leave you the result:
It has been a difficult, but satisfactory experience. We have gone over difficulties and I feel very happy with the result of our work. We had many troubles, but we found a solution for each of them, so I am very proud of our video (however I know it is improvable and seems a little "artificial", due to the current situation).
I hope you find it interesting, and enjoy it!!! It has been a pleasure to work with Ana and Cintia; all of us did our best to carry out this project.
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