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Reflect on my super own learning.

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The world is my audience

Here I am again!!!  This time I had an assignment about recording and sharing a video through Flipgrid , specifically a response to the grid “The world is my audience” (#twima 8 – We all have a story!)   I usually do not do this kind of things… I do not have Instagram, for example, because I do not think anyone needs to know what I am doing every single moment… I do not like telling the world things about me, about what I like the most or where I am in every moment. I prefer keeping these things for me, my family, my friends… I believe people do not care and, if so, it would be worse… But this time is different; the aim of this video is not sharing everything, just a little piece of me, and I do not mind doing that. I thought what to tell… my hobbies, my experience abroad, my first time as a teacher, my worst moments, the best ones… What???? And finally, I found my answer! I am going to share my first walk after the lockdown, in a city which is not where I was born, or wher


Hello again!!! As I told you in my recent entry, I was working with  Ana  and  Cintia  in a collaborative outcome. In the last post I told you about the first step (storyboard) and, in this one, I am going to talk about the second step: the Videoclip. We have recorded a Videoclip titled Finding Katherine . It is about a robbery. Katherine Shadow is a thief that has burgled a Monet's painting from D'Orsay Museum. Inspector Ana will travel from country to country to find and arrest her. She will count with Captain Cintia, who supports her. And also with different witnesses she will talk to, in the different European capital cities. These witnesses will provide Ana different clues (colors of flags, monuments, etc.) and she will pursue Katherine over some European countries, and finally she will arrest this famous thief. I would use this videoclip in different ways: - The first option would be using it as an introduction to the topic "European Geography&qu


Hi everyone!!!! Here I am again!!! This time I bring you a collaborative work made by  Ana ,  Cintia , and me. It is a double-step project. First, we have created a storyboard (step 1) for creating an educational videoclip (step 2). As you could guess (taking into consideration the tittle of this post...) in this blog's entry I am going to write about the first step: our Storyboard.  We did it using the tool  StoryboardThat . As always, the first thing you have to do is to register using your e-mail; Google or Microsoft account; your social networks (Twitter or Facebook); or using the link provided by your teacher (if this is your case).  Once you have done that, you can start creating storyboards! For so, you have a lot of features : - Scenes : This is the place for choosing your background image. You have different options: town, entertainment, home (indoor and outdoor), school, athletics, transportation, work, classical homes, historical, US history, country

My first podcast!

Hi everybody!!! I have been a long time without publishing a new entry but... I have an excuse! I have been working on my first podcast ever !!!! It has been amazing, as well as difficult and time-consuming, but I am extremely proud!! I did it!!! Of course, today I am going to talk about the too I have used to record and publish my podcast. It is  spreaker . As usual, the first thing to do when you open the website is... Yes! To sign in. I can bet you could imagine, haha. Ok. For so, you need an e-mail. Then, you have to download the spreaker studio. It is very easy and quick to install. Once you have it, you can start. I recommend you to watch the tutorial at the beginning, and then, to investigate on your own, touching and changing everything just to know how it works. This is what I did. First, I did one try, but I did not like was very simple. Then, I decided to tell a story which would be the beginning of a lesson plan about animal adaptations; in this


Hi everyone!!! Here I am again! In this post I bring you a tool to make your own infographics .  An  infographic is a very visual tool to show, explain, review or introduce content. The tool that I am going to introduce you (and which I have chosen to do my infographic) is Piktochart , a simple, easy-to-use, free, and complete on-line tool. In my opinion, Piktochart is outstanding for making an infographic, since it permits you to incorporate thereon all the ingredients for an infographic to be perfect.  It offers a good vary of images, shapes and icons to form the infographic visual; but not only that, it also permits to add different backgrounds, charts, maps, videos, and letter fonts  to complete and improve your infographic. And, what is more, we can upload our own photos, drawings or images too; as well as to feature links to different interesting websites, and therefore having an complete and nice infographic.  I strongly believe that this is a very

Mind map design

Hello again!!!! This time I have been trying different tools for creating mind maps. I love mind maps because they are very useful for everything: studying, reviewing, preparing a conference, whatever! So, here I bring you different tools you can use for designing them: Mindmeister   Coggle Mind42 SpiderScribe Bubbl Creately     I have created a mind map with the main contents of plants' lesson. Using it, I could explain students all the lesson, and they can follow the class, as well as studying it and reviewing it at the end of the lesson.  In order to create my mind map I have used two of tools above: coggle and SpiderScribe.  In both, the first thing you have to do (as usual) is to sign up. They have free plans, although they are not as complete as the paying-plans and, in SpiderScribe, you have some advertisements. Firstly, I am going to focus on coggle. This one is very interesting because you can invite colleagues for designing a collaborative mind map. I